- ½cup raw popping corn
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon ground red chilli or chilli flakes
- 1 -2 Tbs Canola oil
- Heat the canola oil in a medium heavy saucepan over medium-high heat.
- Add popcorn to oil in saucepan, cover with lid and cook for approximately 2 minutes or until kernels begin to pop, shake pan frequently and continue cooking for another 2 minutes, shaking pan constantly.
- When the popping slows down, remove pan from heat. Let stand 1 minute or until all popping stops.
- Stir in melted butter, salt and chilli.
- Enjoy!

- ½cup raw popping corn
- 1 packet marshmallows, cut in half
- 1/3 cup salted peanuts (roughly chopped)
- ½ cup raspberry flavoured jube lollies, chopped (ripe raspberrys, red frogs, or something similar)
- 1 cup dark chocolate melts
- 1 -2 Tbs Canola oil
- Heat the canola oil in a medium heavy saucepan over medium-high heat.
- While saucepan heats, line a baking pan with baking paper
- Add popcorn to oil in saucepan, cover with lid and cook for approximately 2 minutes or until kernels begin to pop, shake pan frequently and continue cooking for another 2 minutes, shaking pan constantly.
- When the popping slows down, remove pan from heat. Let stand 1 minute or until all popping stops.
- . In a separate bowl, combine nuts, red lollies and melted dark chocolate.
- Combine cooled popcorn to mixture before the chocolate stars to harden.
- Spread mixture on baking pan. Cool.
- Chop popcorn mixture into rough squares.
- Enjoy!

- ½cup raw popping corn
- 1 -2 Tbs Canola oil
- 1-1 ½ cups chocolate melts (dark, milk or white chocolate – your choice)
- 1 cup banana lollies, chopped
- 1 cup black licorice, chopped
- Heat the canola oil in a medium heavy saucepan over medium-high heat.
- Add popcorn to oil in saucepan, cover with lid and cook for approximately 2 minutes or until kernels begin to pop, shake pan frequently and continue cooking for another 2 minutes, shaking pan constantly.
- When the popping slows down, remove pan from heat. Let stand 1 minute or until all popping stops.
- When the popping slows down, remove pan from heat. Let stand 1 minute or until all popping stops.
- Melt chocolate and combine with popcorn, banana lollies and licorice.
- Spread on a lined baking tray and cool. Chop into desired sized pieces
- Spread mixture on baking pan. Cool.
- Enjoy!
White choc melts

- ½cup raw popping corn
- 1 -2 Tbs Canola oil
- 1-1 ½ cups white chocolate melts
- 1 cup red jelly lollies, chopped
- 1 cup black licorice, chopped
- Heat the canola oil in a medium heavy saucepan over medium-high heat.
- Add popcorn to oil in saucepan, cover with lid and cook for approximately 2 minutes or until kernels begin to pop, shake pan frequently and continue cooking for another 2 minutes, shaking pan constantly.
- When the popping slows down, remove pan from heat. Let stand 1 minute or until all popping stops.
- Melt chocolate and combine with popcorn, licorice and red lollies.
- Melt chocolate and combine with popcorn, banana lollies and licorice.
- Spread on a lined baking tray and cool. Chop into desired sized pieces
- Enjoy!
Sky blue POPCORN

- ½cup raw popping corn
- 1 -2 Tbs Canola oil
- 1-1 ½ cups white chocolate melts
- blue food colouring
- 1 cup white marshmallows, chopped
- Heat the canola oil in a medium heavy saucepan over medium-high heat
- Add popcorn to oil in saucepan, cover with lid and cook for approximately 2 minutes or until kernels begin to pop, shake pan frequently and continue cooking for another 2 minutes, shaking pan constantly.
- When the popping slows down, remove pan from heat. Let stand 1 minute or until all popping stops.
- Melt chocolate and and blue food colouring until your desired shade is achieved.
- Combine with marshmallows and popcorn
- Spread on a lined baking tray and cool. Chop into desired sized pieces
- Enjoy!